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Museums in Slovenia

Grom Motorcycle Museum

Petja Grom is a colorful character, who amassed one of the biggest motorcycle collections in the world:" Over 140 motorcycles are in the exhibit, from world famous makes to rare and precious examples. You can find pioneer Puch motorcycles from 1906 and 1912, ABC from 1919 and from the twenties Indians, Harley-Davidsons, the BD Praga, Victoria, and the ladies favourites Ner-a-Car and art-deco Majestic 350.

Muzej Motociklov Grom

IMV Museum

This museum was realised by the IMV club. It shows the history of the automobile and trailer industry in Dolenjska, which has a key impact on life in the entire region, but it still has a great influence on the development of the entire economy and promotion of successful products in Slovenia all over the world.

Muzejska Zbirka IMV

Slovenska Bistrica Castle

The castle houses a lot of different collection, including one which was put together by the AMK Classic club: "Cars, motorcycles and mopeds are displayed in the larger room, while the smaller one contains old bicycles. Various tools and other technical objects complement the collection of vehicles. The exhibition illustrates the progress from the first bicycles to motorized modes of transportation. There are numerous other cars, motorcycles and various interesting objects still waiting to be restored and displayed. All the items are private property of the members of the club"

Technical Museum of Slovenia

The Technical Museum's Road Vehicle area has a space of 2,300 m2 where 55 automobiles, 50 motorcycles and 15 bicycles are being displayed. For the time being there are only two permanent exhibitions, and nearly 90% of the remaining area is dedicated to ‘open storage’ of the major part of vehicle collection.